The Faith of Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed was a Christian teacher and missionary who traveled the country, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is best known for his work in planting apple trees, but he also left a lasting impression on many people with his faith and devotion to God.

In this devotional, we will recount the legend of Johnny Appleseed and learn from his life as Christians.

Johnny the Missionary

Johnny Appleseed was born in Leominster, Massachusetts in 1774. His birth name was John Chapman. As a young man, he left home and traveled westward, eventually settling in Ohio.

Appleseed was a religious man of peace — a "primitive Christian" — whom American Indians regarded as having been touched by the "Great Spirit."

Many of Johnny Appleseed's neighbors were also Christians, and Johnny himself became a preacher for the "New Church" (a Christian denomination that believed in personal revelation from God). He would travel from settlement to settlement, preaching about Jesus Christ and His love for all people.

Johnny the Pacifist

Johnny Appleseed was also a pacifist. He believed that violence was never the answer, no matter what the situation. This belief led him to refuse to fight in the War of 1812, even when his country was under attack by the British.

Legend has it that Appleseed doused his campfire rather than have mosquitoes perish in its flame. He is said to have remarked, "God forbid that I should build a fire for my comfort, that should be the means of destroying any of His creatures."

Johnny the Apple Planter

Johnny Appleseed's most famous legacy is his work in planting apple trees. He would travel from town to town, collecting apple seeds and planting them wherever he went.

He believed that apples were a gift from God and that everyone should have access to them. By planting apple trees, he believed God's creation could provide food for many people.

Johnny Appleseed: An Example for Christian Educators

Johnny Appleseed is an excellent example for Christian educators. He devoted his life to sharing the gospel and planting seeds of faith. We can do the same in our work as educators. Johnny Appleseed's legacy is one that we can all be proud of.

Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings.
— Psalm 17:8

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