The Child Who Knew Too Much

Meet Bailey. You've met this student before. Maybe they had a different name, but their personality was the same. They're the student who knows it all.

Bailey loves to raise their hand and give the answer before the teacher can even finish asking the question. Bailey makes a daily habit of correcting their classmates, whether they're wrong or not. And Bailey always - always has to be right.

As a teacher, dealing with Bailey's every day can be a challenge. But maybe, just maybe, Bailey is a blessing in disguise.

Jesus had a Bailey amongst his most loyal followers, too.

His name was Peter, and just like our Bailey in class, he always spoke up. Peter was the one who denied Jesus three times when he was being arrested. But even after that, Jesus still loved him and called him a rock.

Because even though Peter made mistakes, he was also always there for Jesus. He was always speaking up and defending him, even when no one else would. Just like Bailey, Peter wasn't afraid to be different.

And just like Bailey, we can learn a lot from him.

So next time Bailey speaks up in class, try to see the Peter in them. And remember, even the most annoying student can teach us something if we're open to learning from them.

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,

— John 6:68

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