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Daily Classroom Kick-off Resources (Sept 11-15)

Each week we’re excited to provide you with a fresh set of classroom resources designed to spark curiosity, foster creativity, and ignite meaningful discussions in your K-12 classrooms.

We offer a curated list of holidays and special events, "This Week in History" highlights, and engaging writing prompts, all thoughtfully designed to enrich your lesson plans and captivate the young minds you nurture.

Holidays/Special Events

September 11 - Patriot Day

Patriot Day is a day of remembrance in the United States to honor the victims and heroes of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In the classroom, you can discuss the importance of unity, resilience, and the role of first responders.

September 12 - National Day of Encouragement

This day encourages people to uplift and inspire one another. Students can write encouraging notes or letters to classmates, family members, or community members in class.

September 13 - International Programmers' Day

International Programmers' Day celebrates the contributions of computer programmers. In the classroom, students can learn about the history of coding and even try their hand at simple coding exercises or create a tech-themed project.

September 14 - World First Aid Day

World First Aid Day promotes awareness and knowledge of first aid. In the classroom, teach students basic first aid techniques, such as CPR or how to treat minor injuries.

September 15 - International Day of Democracy

International Day of Democracy emphasizes the importance of democracy and the rights of citizens. In the classroom, students can learn about different forms of government and the principles of democracy.

This Week in History

Image courtesy of the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum

September 11, 2001 - 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

On this tragic day, the world witnessed the devastating terrorist attacks in the United States, leading to significant changes in global politics and security measures.

September 12, 1962 - President Kennedy's Moon Speech

President John F. Kennedy delivered his famous speech at Rice University, expressing the United States' commitment to landing a man on the moon. This speech marked a milestone in the Space Race.

September 13, 1993 - Oslo Accords Peace Agreement

The Oslo Accords were signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, aiming to achieve peace in the Middle East. Discuss the importance of diplomacy and peacemaking.

September 14, 1814 - Francis Scott Key Writes the Star-Spangled Banner

Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics to the U.S. national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner, during the War of 1812. Explore the history of the anthem and its significance.

September 15, 1940 - The Blitz Begins in London

The Blitz, a series of bombings by Nazi Germany, began in London during World War II. Discuss the impact of the Blitz on civilians and the resilience of the British people.

Writing Prompts

1. "On Patriot Day, why is it important to remember and honor the heroes and victims of 9/11?"

2. "Write an encouraging message to a friend or family member for National Day of Encouragement."

3. "What do you think is the most significant technological advancement made by programmers? Why?"

4. "Imagine you are a journalist in 1814 reporting on the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner. Write a letter describing the emotions, inspirations, and significance of this historic moment. How do you think this anthem will impact the nation's identity in the future?"

5. "Discuss the meaning of democracy and why it's essential for a fair and just society on International Day of Democracy."