Teacher Bulletin

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Taste and See…

When I teach essay writing, I always tell my students they need to “show… DON’T tell” a story.  I want express detail to their potential readers, to use their five senses to describe what’s taking place. I illustrate this approach by creating a thunderstorm in my classroom.

Students arrive to class one day to find the door closed. I let my kids know since they’ve been gone, we’ve had a storm in our room. As they enter the classroom, the blinds are drawn and it’s dark. I have a strobe light on for flashes of “lightning” while the projector adds more stormy images against a wall. I have a spray bottle ready to create rain as they take in the scenery.

As students go through our thunderstorm, they write down what senses they are experiencing. Each year, the one sense that the kiddos always have a challenge with is “taste.”

David uses interesting wording in Psalm 43:7-8.  He says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”  

Don’t you find it peculiar that he says, “Taste” and see that the Lord is good”?   I believe this was the perfect sense to write, as it shows just how good it feels to be in the presence of the Lord. 

My favorite food on the entire planet is CHUY’S chips with creamy jalapeno sauce.  Even if I’m full, I still eat every last crumb like a glutton. What would it be like if I was offered this meal after going days without food?  It would be pure happiness to eat - when moments before I was famished. 

It’s like that with God. When we truly get to know Him, we can taste the peace, joy, and perfect love He offers. We can have that kind of experience with the Lord, always!  As you go through the rest of your week, taste and see that the Lord is good!