The Results You Can't Always See


We’ve reached the end of the school year, and there’s some students you feel you might not have reached.  Perhaps it seems that there’s been little to no measurable growth, or maybe you’re feeling like you didn’t teach all the lessons that you wanted to hit.  On a typical year, these are common feelings.  However, maybe you feel that this year it’s been amplified, thanks to COVID. 

In John 3, we learn of a Pharisee named Nicodemus who came late one evening to speak to Jesus privately.  At this time, he believed that Jesus was a teacher, not the Messiah.  He desired to become more acquainted with Him and had several questions.  

The things Jesus shared with him that night Nicodemus hid in his heart for 3 years.  It would seem as though Jesus’ teaching made no real impact on Nicodemus.  However, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

In the Desire of Ages, we’re told that: 

“After the Lord's ascension, when the disciples were scattered by persecution, Nicodemus came boldly to the front. He employed his wealth in sustaining the infant church that the Jews had expected to be blotted out at the death of Christ. 

In the time of peril, he who had been so cautious, and questioning was firm as a rock, encouraging the faith of the disciples, and furnishing means to carry forward the work of the gospel. He was scorned and persecuted by those who had paid him reverence in other days. He became poor in this world's goods; yet he faltered not in the faith which had its beginning in that night conference with Jesus.”

Be encouraged in knowing that God did a great work through you this year, and will continue to do so.  Though you’re not able to see the harvest just yet, the seeds you planted in each mind will continue to grow.  

Every lesson, word of encouragement, prayer, and patient teachable moment mattered!  Even if you’re not able to see it today, the effects of the work you’ve done this year will reach into eternity.  

 And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
— Galatians 6:9

Is it Worth it?


The Power of One Thoughtful Hour