Miniature Golf and the Power of Perseverance

In miniature golf, as in life, there are obstacles to overcome. Sometimes the ball gets stuck in a hazard or it's hard to make that final putt. But with perseverance, we can get closer to the goal.

In this devotional, we'll explore how miniature golf can teach us about the power of never giving up. Let's get started!

The Origins of Miniature Golf

Did you know that miniature golf started out as a way for people to practice their putting? In the early 20th century, a man named Garnet Carter assembled the game atop Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he owned 700 acres. He and his wife Frieda built attractions on their property for tourists, naming the venue “Fairyland.”

According to one story, Carter invented mini-golf to keep his inn guests entertained, naming it Tom Thumb to keep with the theme.

From there, the game of miniature golf grew in popularity. By the end of World War I there were around 200 miniature golf courses in the United States. And by the 1930s, that number had grown to over 12,000!

Miniature Golf is Easier...Right?

With the smaller form factor, you might think that miniature golf would be easier than its traditional counterpart. But in many ways, it's actually more difficult.

The obstacles on a miniature golf course can be deceptively challenging. That little windmill might look easy to get past, but those blades can cause the ball to veer off course in a hurry!

And don't even get me started on the water hazards...

While the journey may seem easier from afar, each putt can lead to major difficulties. As with life, others may see the struggles of others from afar and think the task at hand is much easier.

The Power of Perseverance

In miniature golf, as in life, we will face obstacles. But if we persevere, we can overcome them and reach the hole. With Christ, our guide, we can be sure that, while hazards can delay us, we WILL make it through the course.

The next time you're feeling stuck in a rut, remember the power of perseverance. And go hit some putts! You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve with God at your side.

I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.
— Revelation 2:19

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