Teacher Bulletin

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Keeping Life in Focus

It’s routine in my class to take a picture of student projects once completed.  One student, in particular, submitted a project containing incredible detail. I wanted to get a close-up photo of meticulous craftsmanship.  As I took the picture, she jumped into the shot and “photobombed” the picture.  The resulting image showed fine detail, but with a fuzzy blur in the background.  


Our thoughts are like this photo.  We focus only on what is immediately in front of us. What’s in the background is quickly forgotten. Sometimes we focus on the wrong things in life, causing us to lose perspective on what’s really important. In the case of my student photo, my kiddo mattered most – not the project!

Our spiritual walk can be like this, too.  If one’s eyes are completely centered on Jesus, the Holy Spirit can bring peace and calm in times of trial and uncertainty. However, if we’re focusing on classroom demands, overbearing parents, and administrative expectations, we can completely lose sight of Christ altogether.  

Focus on keeping your gaze on what matters most in the picture in front of you – your relationship with Christ. Things will become much more clear when you do!