How to Be a Light in Your School

As an educator, you have the unique opportunity to significantly impact your students' lives. You spend countless hours teaching, guiding, and mentoring them, and you have the power to be a source of light in their lives.

In a dark and discouraging world, you can be the difference that positively impacts your school and community.

Be Kind

One of the most important things you can do to be a light in your school is to be kind. Kindness is contagious, and showing kindness to your students can have a ripple effect throughout your school.

Smile at your students, say hello to them in the hallways, and take the time to listen to their stories. When your students feel seen and valued, they are likelier to show others kindness.

Encourage Others

Another way to be a light in your school is to encourage others. Take the time to encourage your colleagues, your students, and their families.

Write a note of encouragement, email, or make a phone call to let them know you appreciate them. When you encourage others, you lift them up and help them see the good in themselves and in others.

Be a Role Model

Finally, one of the most important ways to be a light in your school is to be a role model. Your students look up to you and watch everything you do. Live a life that reflects your values, and model the behavior you want to see in your students.

When you make mistakes, own up to them and show your students how to learn from them. When you live with integrity, you teach your students to do the same.


Being a light in your school is not always easy, but it is worth it. When you show kindness, encourage others, and model good behavior, you have the power to make a positive impact in your school and your community.

Remember the words of Matthew 5:16, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." When you shine your light, you bring glory to God and make a difference in those around you.


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