Teacher Bulletin

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Faith is Taking the First Step

Many people are afraid to take that first step because they are unsure of what will happen next. They may be concerned about where they'll end up or what others will think of them if they fail.

But faith is about taking that first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase. It's about trusting that God will guide you and provide for you along the way.

Martin Luther King Jr. had faith in his beliefs and faith that he would make a difference for African Americans during segregation. Faith also helped him persevere through turbulent times when racism was at its peak in America. Through it all, faith in God helped him continue his fight for equality.

Was that first step easy, though? Surely not! He faced the prospect of public criticism, threats of violence, and ostracism from neighbors and friends. But he pressed on because of his faith.

Faith can be the difference between taking that first step or staying on your couch browsing Facebook all day.  God provides you with the strength to believe in yourself, allowing you to stand up and do what's right when everyone else wants you to remain silent.

It's important to have faith in difficult times because it can help you find the courage you need to keep going. So don't be afraid to take that first step, even if you can't see the whole staircase! With faith, anything is possible.

What about us? How can we apply faith in our lives today? It may not be as difficult as standing up to racism, but it still takes courage. It may be faith in our abilities, faith that we can make a difference, faith that things will get better.  

Whatever it is, faith is an important tool that we can use to make a difference in the world. Take time to pray about what the first step is in your life towards following God's will.