Teacher Bulletin

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A Classroom Christmas Party to Remember

The day of Christmas break had finally arrived. Just 8 hours and a well-deserved break waited on the other side. It had been a tough December. One student had been absent for weeks, another had lost a parent, and the entire class struggled to grasp a challenging concept in math.

Christmas probably wouldn't mean much to the students, but it was tradition. So as the school day began, so had the same program the teacher had used for years.

  1. Christmas carols

  2. "Plans for the break" sharing time

  3. snacks and a holiday movie

  4. Gifts from the teacher for the children to open.

The day progressed as expected. The enthusiastic students sang and participated in conversations, and the disengaged ones kept their heads on the desk and one eye on the clock.

Then the time came for the teacher to hand out small gifts for the students. They weren't much - small toys from the dollar store. Once by one, each child accepted their present, saying "thank you" with a smile. But then something unexpected happened.

One by one, the students stood up, walked over to her desk, and began to hand their own gifts to the teacher. Stuffed animals, devotional books, and homemade cards with blessings written inside piled up on top of graded papers and lesson plans. It was clear that the students had put a lot of thought and effort into these gifts, devoting time they could have used to do other pursuits.

The final bell rang, and the students filed out of the classroom for their Christmas break. The teacher stayed behind for a few moments, appreciative of the unexpected gifts that day - presents worth treasuring forever.

All of the stress, the monotony of classroom events, and the never-ending cycle of grading and planning had overshadowed an important truth we as educators often forget. What a student treasure most is a steady, dependable, caring teacher. When we show up and care, devoting our time and attention to their futures and dreams, sometimes - just sometimes - that's enough to be worth the most precious of all gifts: genuine appreciation.

This Christmas, know that you have made a difference, and all of your efforts have been more than appreciated.

Happy Holidays!