5 Ways to Place God in Your Classroom in 2022

As teachers, we are called to be mentors. We are entrusted with the responsibility of teaching our students so they can become life-long learners and wise stewards of their gifts. As Christians, teachers have an even greater calling this year: to place God in an even more noticeable, accessible place in our classrooms.

Every student who enters you classroom this year will learn about Jesus and His love for them. There is no better time than now to get started!

Here are five ways to place God in your classroom in 2022:

1) Make Prayer a Peer-to-Peer Activity

We can’t begin this conversation without talking about prayer! Prayer is the foundation of our work as teachers and it’s essential that we pray for our students, their families, and our own hearts before every class period.

We show our students the value of prayer by showing its importance in our own lives. But prayer is also an experience students should take ownership of as well. One way to do this is by making prayer a peer-to-peer activity. Have students lead the prayer time, either as individuals or in groups. This will create opportunities for discussion and spiritual growth while also modeling servant leadership.

2) Make Scripture More Visible

One of the most powerful ways to place God in your classroom is through Scripture. There are so many great options for teachers who want to integrate Scripture into their lessons. You can find short Bible verses that relate to the topic you’re teaching, or use a longer passage as the foundation of your lesson.

No matter what approach you take, make sure the Bible is more visible in your classroom. Hang Scripture verses on walls or around the room, place passages in textbooks and teachers’ editions, and use digital resources to bring Scripture to life for your students.

When we make the Word of God more visible, it becomes easier for our students to find God’s truth for themselves.

3) Praise and Worship

A great way to connect with God is through praise and worship. When we take time to focus on His greatness, it opens our hearts to hear what He has to say to us. You can find some great praise songs online, or in the songbooks of your favorite artists.

Set aside time each day for teachers and students to come together and worship God. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes at the beginning or end of class to sing praises, or it could be a longer session that happens once a week.

Whatever approach you take, make sure to include time for teachers and students to praise God together.

5) Lunchroom Conversations

Conversation is key when it comes to encouraging students about Jesus! You can begin by asking questions like “What’s something you did this weekend?” or, “How do you think other people feel when they hear about Jesus?” These open-ended questions will help to encourage dialogue and thought about our faith.

Make 2022 a Spiritual Growth Year for Students

One of the best things we can do as teachers is to help our students grow in their faith. This doesn’t have to be a big, daunting task! There are lots of ways you can help your students connect with Jesus and learn more about Him.

Use these five ideas as a starting point, and continue to pray about creative ways to place God in your classroom. The more teachers work at making Jesus the center of their lesson plans, the more students will come away with a deeper connection to our Savior.

What are some other ways that teachers can place God in their classrooms this year? Share your thoughts in a comment below!


Faith is Taking the First Step


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