5 Life-Changing Promises From Philippians 8


Philippians 4 is a commonly read chapter in the Bible. And yet, each time I read these verses, there’s a new insight God shares. If you’re looking for blessings as you go about your week, you’ve come to the right chapter in scripture!

Verse 4

Rejoice in the Lord...ALWAYS! God doesn’t say rejoice sometimes, or when things are going great, or when we feel like it. He says ALWAYS.

What does “rejoice” actually mean? It relates to when we show great joy or delight. This is interesting wording, because joy is a Fruit of the Spirit. In order to have joy always, we have to always be connected to the Spirit.

Verse 5

Next, we’re told to make our gentleness evident to all. The Lord is near. Again, gentleness is a Fruit of the Spirit. We MUST remain connected to the Spirit...which IS nearby! All we have to do is accept. That’s it! God does the rest!

People, by nature, aren’t usually gentle. Our first reaction when things don’t go our way is to complain, whine, and grumble. When we’re connected to the Spirit...gentleness is the result. It becomes a testimony for all who are watching the character of the one we serve.

Verse 6

We’re now told, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Many people have no problem presenting their list of wants and desires to the Lord. We treat him like a genie, and then we’re upset when we don’t get our way. This is NOT a true relationship with God.

Could you imagine if the person in your life you hold most dear only talked to you when they wanted something? That relationship wouldn’t be genuine. God DOES want us to make our requests known - but a key component to this relationship is doing it through thanksgiving. God desires for us to have a thankful heart.

Verse 7

Next, we’re told, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Think on These Things.” We now have another fruit...peace!

Again, we don’t have peace unless we continually fix our gaze on the Spirit. By nature, people aren’t peaceful either. It says that this kind of calm emotion “transcends” understanding. To transcend is to be or go beyond the range of our limits. Your heart AND mind are guarded through Christ Jesus.

This sort of peace doesn’t make sense to others. While everyone else is stressed, anxious, fearful, angry, or annoyed, you abide in the Spirit and rise above these feelings.

Verse 8

This last verse is one of my favorites and states “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.”

If you’re desiring these Fruits the Philippians has discussed, and you desire continual abidance in the Spirit, focus your attention on a continual connection with God!


Going Through the Motions


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