Teacher Bulletin

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5 Bible Stories to Remember When You Just Need to Get Through the Rest of the Week

Teachers, we know your struggle. It's Wednesday afternoon, and you're just trying to make it to Friday. The kids are restless, and you're out of ideas. But never fear! We've compiled a list of five Bible stories that you can use to get through the rest of the week.

1. The Story of Esther

Esther was a woman who the king chose to be his queen, even though she was from a lowly background. She used her position of power to save her people from certain destruction. When you feel like you're in over your head, remember Esther's story and know that you, too, have the strength to overcome any obstacle.

2. The Story of Daniel in the Lion's Den

Daniel was a man who remained faithful to God even when it meant facing death. When you're feeling like giving up, remember Daniel's story and know that God will always be with you, no matter what challenges you face.

3. The Story of Jonah and the Whale

Jonah was a man who ran away from God's call on his life. He ended up getting swallowed by a whale but was eventually spit back out onto shore. When you're feeling like you've made a mistake, remember Jonah's story and know that it's never too late to turn back to God.

4. The Story of Moses and the Burning Bush

Moses was a man who was called by God to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt. When you're feeling like your situation is hopeless, remember Moses' story and know that with God's help, anything is possible.

5. The Story of Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand

Jesus was a man who performed miracles, including feeding a huge crowd with just five loaves of bread and two fish. When you're feeling like there's not enough time in the day or not enough resources to get the job done, remember Jesus' story and know that with God, all things are possible.

What to Remember This Week

We hope these Bible stories provide some much-needed inspiration as you finish out the week! Remember, with God on your side, anything is possible!